Fazenda Alvorada, Brazil

Sale price Price $20.00 Regular price

Region: Chapada de Minas 

Process: Fermented Natural

Variety: Yellow Catigua 

Elevation: 955–1100 MASL

We Taste: Boysenberry / Cocoa Nibs / Maple Syrup

Coffee producer Sergio Meirelles Filho has always been connected to coffee, dedicating more than 40 years so far to the crop and always looking for ways to help the coffee market develop and innovate. He was born in the south of Minas Gerais in the city of São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, but moved at a very young age to the north of Paraná state. His father moved the family to undertake coffee farming, but soon after arriving a major incident affected the productivity of his farm, and the family returned to Sul de Minas. Sergio’s father took over a coffee farm upon their return, finding success here for some years.
Eventually the family moved north again, arriving in the Jequitinhonha Valley in the Chapada de Minas region where they still have their roots today. In 1992 they established one of the first coffee roasteries in the region, expanding their connection to coffee beyond its cultivation. Their next major step came in 2009 when they provided a plot of land on their farm to EPAMIG (Minas Gerais state research institute) for research and development of new varieties of coffee. Sergio became known for dedication to this research, and he quickly found a passion for the work. Sergio and his family then established their own coffee brand, Café Varietal, in 2014, with the purpose to share their coffees with people around the world.
Fazenda Alvorada spans 233 hectares and includes 93 hectares of coffee production. The farm is planted with Catiguá, Paraiso, Arara, Red and Yellow Catuai, and Gesha, with elevations ranging 955–1100 meters.

This lot of Yellow Catigua underwent Fermented Natural processing. Freshly harvested coffee cherries are piled into a long pyramid share where they are fermented for 48 hours. The fermented coffee is then patio dried until reaching its ideal humidity.